
Showing posts from February, 2017

25w+2d: MFM Diabetes Appointment

I had my MFM Appointment yesterday to go over my food log. It wasn't very good... I've had a pretty hectic schedule the last few weeks and I haven't been able to log as good as I have been. They weren't bad... just some really bad food choices and then not consistently checking my after-meal glucose levels. My blood pressure was good at 110/68. We are only making one change this week on my Humulin N morning value. Going up from 20 to 22 iu. The goals for the next two weeks: 1) consistently log after-meal glucose levels and 2) make better food choices. Antenatal Depression  I actually wonder how much of the antenatal depression has to do with me not being disciplined enough to check my glucose levels? I asked my MFM that and she said that she doesn't think it's the antenatal depression, it's probably more the stress from my schedule impacting everything and making the depression worse. We discussed how I've been feeling lately and I was honest and told he...

25 Weeks Pregnant

It's been a weird week for me. I don't know why it's been weird really... it's like I feel *more* pregnant than I did last week. But I'm happy to report that I'm 25 weeks pregnant...!!! 15 weeks to go or 105 Days to go - almost to double digits. That's to full term, 40 weeks. If I get induced at 38 weeks, I'm really looking at 13 weeks to go or 91 days...  Things are finally starting to really feel like things are going to happen and that maybe... just maybe everything will turn out OK at the end of the pregnancy.  How far along : 25 Weeks  How big is baby : a cauliflower. Ovia app:  Weight Gain : +4 lb (with boots and clothes on).  Stretch Marks : No new ones.  Symptoms : I mentioned "Lightning Crotch" in my previous entry. Also, I'm getting way gassy -- to the point of embarrassment! Argh. My stomach also has started making some really loud noises after I eat, which I can't control. So weird.  Sleeping : Sleeping hasn't been goin...

24w+6d: OB Monthly Appointment

I had my monthly OB appointment today. My OB practice has multiple midwives and doctors. Today I saw a different one and I really like her over all the other doctors I've seen. She was very nice about listening to me and answering my questions. Some Stats from my visit: Weight : +4 lbs now! Not sure how accurate this is because I had my boots on and I had just eaten. But that's a change, as I wasn't gaining weight before.  Blood Pressure: 132/70. I was a little concerned that this was a bit higher than my previous blood pressure readings. I'm concerned about preeclampsia. But they said not to worry about it unless it's closer to 140/90.  Fetal Heart Tones: 150 bpm  Lightning Crotch We talked about something called "Lightning Crotch." Which I think is a hilarious term! But totally fits. Earlier this week I was concerned because while I was sleeping and was changing positions, I felt a sharp pain in my groin area. It hurt really bad, but was gone "lig...

A Year Ago --> My Egg Retrieval

So much has been going on, that I totally missed posting that it's been ONE YEAR since my egg retrieval that resulted in my baby boy's embryo! Crazy to think about it. Here's my blog entry from that day:  IVF Egg Retrieval . My baby boy's embryo would be one of my "fighter" embies that took up until Day 6 to get to a full blastocyst ( Freeze Report ). Baby Boy's Start at Life: Egg Retrieval: 2/17/16 Day 6 Blast and Frozen: 2/23/16 Thawed and Transfered: 9/22/16 7 Months cryopreserved before he was transferred. Now, he's currently wiggling around in utero and gestating at 24 weeks, 5 days. Getting closer to the possible 38 week delivery (per MFM I'll most likely be induced early because of my diabetes). Not that far at all really... Now, just to hang in there and get through the rest of the pregnancy -- getting this baby boy to full term! Getting closer...

Pre-Natal Depression

I've been meaning to post on the fact that I may have pre-natal depression (AKA antenatal depression). It's not something easy to talk about or admit... It's not talked about very much and many people have never heard about it before -- including me. I started to suspect that I may be exhibiting signs of depression a few weeks ago. I first mentioned it in my blog post at 23 weeks  and would say I started noticing signs of it after my big bleed at 20 weeks . I don't know what to say about it... accept to maybe just say how I've been feeling. I've been feeling really angry. I'm highly irritable. I'm short-tempered. I'm not parenting as I'd like. I'm not motivated. Things that should motivate me -- don't motivate me anymore. Old "hurts" have resurfaced and feel fresh. I have some self-loathing feelings. I have been very anti-social, more than usual. I feel like I've been "living in my head" if that makes sense. I feel...

24 Weeks Pregnant - Viability!

Finally made it here... 24 weeks, viability! Prior to all my issues in pregnancy, I didn't really understand the significance of hitting viability. But since I've been having so many issues with my pregnancy, I totally get it now. Before 24 weeks, if something had happened -- the doctors wouldn't try to save the baby. At 24 weeks, that changes. The baby is concerned a "baby" and not a "fetus." So, if something were to happen, all medical interventions would be taken to save the baby. Also, the chances of survival go up from here.  I am so grateful to reach this huge milestone...! There were moments where I wasn't sure I would.  How far along : 24 Weeks -- VIABILITY !  How big is baby : a cantaloupe. Ovia app:  Weight Gain : -1 lb.  Stretch Marks : No new ones.  Symptoms : Starting to get a lot more discharge and have been wearing a panty liner for the last few weeks. It just seems to be getting worse, which I heard is all normal. I've also been g...

23w+3d: Fetal Echo cardiogram -- All Looks Good!

I have to say... I was WAY anxious for this appointment. It felt like one of the last steps in all my monitoring appointments to make sure (best we can) that baby boy is doing ok. Fetal Echo I had my Fetal Echo cardiogram on Valentine's Day. Almost felt like a "date" with my baby boy :) The point of the fetal echo was to take a close look at baby boy's heart -- blood flow, structure, etc. Baby boy was not having it at this appointment. Once he felt the pressure of the ultrasound probe thingie, he was moving and jiggling -- not being in the right position for them to look at his heart. He was laying with his head facing down and facing towards my back. The ultrasound tech had me lay on my right side -- then back to my back -- then left side -- then back to my back, trying to get him to move. I was getting anxious that we might not get the right look at the heart and have to reschedule. Alas, after chasing him around, he finally got into a good position and we were able...

23 Weeks Pregnant!

This week was pretty boring, where pregnancy is concerned -- which is GREAT! I wish I had more boring weeks of being pregnant. There is one thing I noticed this week though, I was a little depressed . I started looking into antenatal depression . I'll do a separate entry on it, but I did want to mention it here. It's strange because my pregnancy has been really stressful and my anxiety has been through the roof with all the uncertainty. Although I've been worried, stressed, and full of anxiety -- I haven't been depressed at any other point in my pregnancy.   For some reason this week, that changed. I started feeling extremely down and cried a lot -- not necessarily related to the pregnancy, but just other life things that used to get me down in the past and that used to cause me depression. I wish I could say it's just hormones, but I've had emotional moments being pregnant and this was totally different and way more intense. Anyways. It's something to thin...

22 Weeks Pregnant - Entering my 6th Month

I never really thought of the "technicalities" of trimesters vs. weeks vs. months before I was pregnant. Non-pregnant people don't really understand the "week/day" count that much, they understand it better with months. Months can get confusing, depending on how you track the weeks :) It's all rocket science I tell you. Anyways. Here is the chart I've been referencing since I entered my 2nd trimester: According to this, at 22 weeks, I'm entering my six month of pregnancy :) Which looks SO CLOSE to the third trimester. Exciting!  This week was a little better for me after I had my ultrasound on Tuesday. It's always great seeing baby boy moving around and looking so healthy.  How far along : 22 Weeks, 2 more weeks to viability  How big is baby : A Coconut. Ovia app:  Weight Gain : -2 lbs (with clothes on)  Stretch Marks :  Nope.  Symptoms : MAJOR lower back pain/spasms, it's ridiculous. Also, some odd hip, tummy pain - I'm thinking round l...