FET #2 (Cycle 11): T-2 Days till Transfer
I've been meaning to post for days now, but I've just been so very tired! The progesterone just gets me every time. I feel like I'm dragging and wish I could just snuggle into bed or take a long-long all-day nap. I think this time is harder because I'm also commuting to work vs when I cycled before I was working from home. The extra hours are getting the most of me!
I can't believe my FET is almost here. Two more days until I transfer my last 2 frosties. My mind is overly consumed with this cycle. I wish I could "turn it off," but it's just so difficult. I want it to work so bad. Then I think I shouldn't want it that bad because I can jinx it. So I try not to think about it, which makes me think about it. And so on. Lol. Not to mention I have my emotions all over the place due to the increase in estrogen from the patches to the vaginal estrace. I'm just on overload from emotions and sleepiness. Laying in bed watching a chick flick would be so very nice about now.
So something I think is "new" for me is that I've been getting the worst migraines and experiencing episodes of dizziness. Not fun at all. The dizziness has been particularly distributing to me because I hate the feeling like I'm spinning around and around. It happens at random times and normally takes 30-60 minutes to feel resolved. The migraines... Those are also not fun. The ones that just linger all day are the worst because I just don't feel right, but it's not bad enough to lay down or take meds. It just sits there behind my eyes.
Anyways. This entry would've been 2-3 separate entries if I had it in me to post more often, so it might be long.
Last Day of Lupron was on 9/16
Hopefully my last shot of Lupron ever... One can hope!
9/17 I started:
- Progesterone In Sesame Oil (PIO): 100mg
- Medrol: 16mg for 7 days
- Continue: Baby Aspirin, Prenatal Vitamin, and vaginal estrace.
So far, PIO shots have been relatively straight forward. No crazy blood gushers (yet). My PIO method:
- I "pump" the needle a few times to loosen it up. Sometimes they're stif to begin with, but pumping it a few times makes it looser and easier to inject.
- I prime the needle and get it ready.
- I ice the area for 5-10 minutes prior to injecting.
- While I'm icing, I "warm up" the PIO by holding it or putting it under my arm.
- I then look in a full-length mirror, twist, and inject.
- Then I rub the injection site with the gauze.
- Next, I use a heating pad for 10-20 minutes after.
Comparing the Lupron needle to the PIO needle:
Meditation / Fertility Affirmations
I've never done meditation during my TTC journey. I tried acupuncture for 2 IVF cycles, but it's just not do-able now (due to the location, time, & costs). I've been obsessively obsessing about not obsessing about this cycle, but I totally am. So I decided to try this meditation thing. Eh. Wasn't really for me! Didn't relax me at all really and my mind kept wondering. I also would rather sleep than meditate. Did I mention I'm tired? I might try it again after my transfer.
Pharmacy Drama
I had some drama trying to re-order my vivelle patches. Long story short, they wouldn't send me 3 boxes and would only supply me 8 patches for 21 days. With my FET, I can go through 8 patches in a week! So they wanted me to pay out of pocket for the rest. After about 1.5 hours on the phone with different people, it finally got resolved with some help from my clinic. I'll be getting my vivelle patches.
I'm not normally short or mean with people, but this darn pharmacy really pissed me off. He just kept saying there's nothing he can do. Then I would say, "this needs to be fixed. What needs to be done to fix it?" Then he'd repeat that there's nothing he can do. <Sigh> Customer service is dead at some companies. With all my hormones, I was very rude to him! But all I wanted him to do was tell me the steps I needed to take to get it done correctly. He refused (or maybe didn't know) and I had to do my own investigating/calling around. Such a time suck. But it's fixed now, that's what matters.
Call from Embryologist
I received the call from the embryologist TODAY! Normally she calls the day before, but she called me 2 days prior. They moved back my transfer time, were juggling a lot of patients I suppose.
Transfer: 2:15pm
Arrive by: 1:45pm
Take Valium: 1:15pm
Start drinking 24oz Water: 1:15pm
She said she'd call me if either embryo didn't survive the thaw. Said she thaws them between 8-10am the day of. My clinic has a 95% survival rate, but there's still the worry.
I'm tired...! I've been thinking so much about this FET that it'll be a relief once my embies are home with me. I just hope that one or both stay and grow.
Next Steps:
- 9/22/16: FET #2
- 9/26/16: Progesterone Blood Test
- 9/30/16: Beta Test
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