FET #2 (Cycle 11): Beta #4 & #5

I've been meaning to post! But I normally do my updates on my phone app & since I did my phone upgrade, the app has been crashing! Writing posts in my phone browser is not very productive. I just haven't had time to get on my home computer to type. 

Well, I had beta #4 last Friday & here were the results: 

Yes... I POAS on beta day! At least the line finally got darker.

Then I had beta #5 today, here were the results:

All together from the beta base: 

Today was my last FRER and I won't be buying more!!! I posted my betas with my HPT because I did so many internet searches trying to find a correlation! I'm sure there's not one, but here they are progressively getting darker.

I have to admit that I was a little worried that my doubling time seems to have slowed down... it's still doubling within the "normal" range of 48-72 hours. But I can't help but worry. It's hard when I see other people's betas being so high and tripling and all that. Makes me feel like maybe something is wrong. I know everyone is different, blah blah... but it doesn't ease my worry much.

I will have a more in-depth entry when I have time to sit at my computer and type, just wanted to get this update out as I was so far behind!

I have beta #6 on Wednesday. If my levels get to over 1500, I can have a viability ultrasound. So really hoping I get to do that this week...!

Next Steps: 
  • 10/12/16: Beta #6
Click the hyperlink for more details on FET #2IVF Cycles, or TTC journey.


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